1 体育与运动学定量研究设计与方法 Quantitative Research Design and Methods in Physical Education and Sports Science
2 体育与运动学定性研究设计与方法 Qualitative Research Design and Methods in Physical Education and Sports Science
3 新加坡体育和运动组织管理 Managing Sport and Exercise Organisations in Singapore
4 体育项目管理理论、方法和问题 Project Management in Sport: Theory, Methods and Issues
5 竞技文化 The Culture of Sport
6 体育教学研究 Research on Teaching in PE
7 体育运动当前问题和发展趋势 Current Issues and Trends in PE and Sport
8 教练工作理论和实践 The Theory and Practice of Coaching
9 体育活动资讯系统 Physical Activity Information Systems
10 应用运动心理学干预 Applied Sport Psychology Interventions
11 运动生理学及体能表现 Exercise Physiology and Physical Performance
12 体育活动与生活方式 Physical Activity and Lifestyle Behaviour
13 运动、营养与肥胖 Exercise, Nutrition and Obesity
14 神经肌肉生物力学 Neuromuscular Biomechanics
15 运动生物力学 Sport Biomechanics